We suffered a delay starting the game, but with luck things will begin in 4 days. I hope to do a post after each game session talking about how things went.

I have been reading up on the AiME books to try to absorb background and adapt it to the story we will be building.  For now we are going ahead with the player group (built on the structure of the Fellowship) playing as a decoy team for Bilbo. The first adventure being the destruction of another decoy team by a RingWraith, and the players taking up the mantle at the behest of Elrond and Glorfindel.

Plotting out The Hobbit story line is fairly easy, thanks to a book and three movies. The same applies to The Lord of the Rings. What I have found is that the 70 years between those two stories needs to be filled. I was pleasantly surprised with the way The Mirkwood Campaign book treated this. Single main adventures for each year with events occurring around the adventure. What I really liked from this, as I was trying to absorb all of it, was the inter-connections of all the events, and how they are scattered all around the Mirkwood area. But more especially the npc characters running through-out the story, how some of them can grow, some die, some change etc over the 30 years of this book (it doesn't cover the full 70 years sadly). On top of that are the options for the players to grow as well, including passing their characters on to sons or daughters in the case of humans with shorter life spans (and there is only two of those in the party).

I'm very enthusiastic about the whole thing, but I am sure my players will put a stop to that soon enough.  :)


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